venerdì 20 e sabato 21 maggio 2016

Masterclass di Vinny Golia

(Composizione ed improvvisazione jazz)


La masterclass prevede due concerti finali, entrambi nel salone del Conservatorio:


venerdì 20 maggio 2016, ore 20.30


Vinny Golia/Gianni Lenoci/Gianni Mimmo/Norontako Bagus Kentus



sabato 21 maggio 2016, ore 20.30

Vinny Golia+Hocus Pocus Lab Orchestra

(studenti dei corsi di jazz che partecipano al workshop_direzione Gianni Lenoci)

Opening: Simone Devenuto, piano solo “Hancock’s Mirror”




As a composer Vinny Golia fuses the rich heritage of Jazz, contemporary classical and world music into his own unique compositions. Also a bandleader, Golia has presented his music to concert audiences in Europe, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and the United States in ensembles varying dramatically in size and instrumentation. Mr. Golia has won numerous awards as a composer, including grants from The National Endowment of the Arts, The Lila Wallace Commissioning Program, The California Arts Council, Meet the Composer,Clausen Foundation of the Arts, Funds for U.S. Artists and the American Composers Forum. In 1982 he created the on-going 50 piece Vinny Golia Large Ensemble to perform his compositions for chamber orchestra and jazz ensembles.

A multi-woodwind performer, Vinny's recordings have been consistently picked by critics and readers of music journals for their yearly "ten best" lists. In 1990 he was the winner of the Jazz Times TDWR award for Bass Saxophone. In 1998 he ranked 1st in the Cadence Magazine Writers & Readers Poll and has continually placed in the Downbeat Critic's Poll for Baritone & Soprano Saxophone. In 1999 Vinny won the LA Weekly’s Award for "Best Jazz Musician". Jazziz Magazine has also named him as one of the 100 people who have influenced the course of Jazz in our Century. In 2006 The Jazz Journalists Association honored him with a Lifetime Achievement Award.

Golia has also contributed original compositions and scores to Ballet and Modern Dance works, video, theatrical productions, and film. As an educator Vinny has lectured on music & painting composition, improvisation, Jazz History, The History of Music in Film, CD & record manufacturing and self-production throughout the United States, Europe, Mexico, New Zealand and Canada. He currently teaches at California Institute of the Arts. In 1998 Golia was appointed Regent's Lecturer at the University of California at San Diego. In 2009 Vinny Golia was appointed the first holder of the Michel Colombier Performer Composer Chair at Cal Arts.

Vinny has been a featured performer with Anthony Braxton, Henry Grimes, John Carter, Bobby Bradford, Joelle Leandre, Leo Smith, Horace Tapscott, John Zorn, Tim Berne, Bertram Turetzky, George Lewis, Barre Phillips, The Rova Saxophone Quartet, Patti Smith, Harry "the Hipster" Gibson, Eugene Chadburne, Kevin Ayers, Peter Kowald, John Bergamo, George Gruntz Concert Jazz Band, Misha Mengelberg, Han Bennick, Lydia Lunch, Harry Sparrney and the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra amongst many others.



Gianni Mimmo ha costruito una reputazione internazionale grazie ad una voce di sax soprano peculiare e a una ricerca personale irriducibile.

Il suo tratto distintivo è l’accostamento fra distanti declinazioni artistiche, il suo stile si avvale di una conoscenza profonda dello strumento e di una coscienza sonora che è elemento costitutivo del suo linguaggio espressivo.

Interessato da sempre alla contaminazione fra le arti ha partecipato a numerose attività inter-disciplinari, con particolare attenzione al rapporto musica-testo e musica-immagine.

Si dedica alla composizione attraverso la partitura grafica con un pensiero forse neo-formale, dislocando elementi/incroci che scaturiscano una visione multi-prospettica, uno stimolante percorso interpretativo e una più profonda consapevolezza dei pesi drammatici e timbrici in gioco.

Suoi numi tutelari paiono provenire dal jazz più avventuroso, come Steve Lacy e Roscoe Mitchell, della musica contemporanea come John Cage, Robert Ashley, Earle Brown, dell'arte Jackson Pollock, John Mclaughlin,Toti Scialoja, M. Sironi, F. Casorati.

Il suo lavoro è stato ottimamente recensito dai più importanti magazine e le sua collaborazioni includono, fra molti altri nomi quali: John Russell, Harry Sjöström, Alison Blunt, Lisa Mezzacappa, Vinny Golia, Renee’ Baker, Elisabeth Harnik, Clementine Gasser, Daniel Levin, Benedict Taylor, Jean-Michel van Schouwburg, Hannah Marshall, Lawrence Casserley, Martin Mayes, Teppo Hauta-hao, Achim Kaufmann, Matthias Bauer, Garrison Fewell, Nicholas Isherwood, Gianni Lenoci, Xabier Iriondo, Cristiano Calcagnile, Nicola Guazzaloca, Peter Brötzmann, Enzo Rocco, Angelo Contini, Stefano Pastor, Stefano Giust, Alessio Pisani, Michele Marelli:

Collabora con danzatori, poeti, video-makers, performance teatrali.

Gran parte della sua attività concertistica si svolge in tutta Europa e Stati Uniti, in rassegne e festival internazionali.

E’ fondatore ed è direttore artistico della label indipendente Amirani Records.

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