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Adalisa CASTELLANETAChitarra |
Si è diplomata con il massimo dei voti al Conservatorio di Musica “Niccolò Piccinni” di Bari; successivamente ha studiato con Stefano Grondona all’Accademia Musicale Pescarese, e con José Tomas in Spagna e all’Accademia Spagnola di Belle Arti a Roma.
Allieva di Oscar Ghiglia all’Accademia Chigiana, vi ha seguito, inoltre, i corsi di musica strumentale contemporanea con Alain Meunier ed i seminari di direzione d’orchestra tenuti da Yuri Temirkanov. La sua attività concertistica l’ha condotta ad esibirsi in noti centri musicali in Italia e all’estero suonando per importanti Festival e Società di concerti, tra i quali: il Festival di Lubiana, l’International Festival “Kiev Summer Music Evenings”, il Festival Arena di Verona (inaugurazione), Festival della Valle d’Itria, Euromusica, Les Floraisons Musicales (Francia), Festival di Toledo, il Festival Internazionale di chitarra “Andrés Segovia” a Linares, e numerosi altri Festival chitarristici internazionali.
E’ spesso impegnata a collaborare, come solista, con orchestre tra cui:
- l’Orchestra da camera di Mannheim;
- l’Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale dell’Ucraina;
- l’Orchestra Nazionale della Radio di Bucarest;
- la Deutsche Kammervirtuosen di Mainz;
- gli Hellas Soloists;
- i Solisti Aquilani;
- l’Orchestra Sinfonica “Tito Schipa” (Città di Lecce);
- l’Orchestra Sinfonica della Filarmonica Nazionale di Chisinau;
- l’Orchestra Nazionale del Teatro dell’Opera di Stara Zagora (Bulgaria);
- l’Orchestra della Radiotelevisione di S. Pietroburgo.
Ha frequentato intensamente il repertorio cameristico, sia in formazioni con quartetto d’archi (tra gli altri il “Quartetto Sebastian” di Zagabria), sia con altri strumentisti; da diversi anni collabora con il flautista Lello Narcisi. Per la RAI ha registrato musiche di Bach e Villa Lobos; in prima esecuzione assoluta ha inciso brani di Mauro, Emilia e Michele Giuliani, riscuotendo ampi consensi di critica. Vincitrice del concorso nazionale a cattedra per l’insegnamento della chitarra nei Conservatori, è attualmente titolare della cattedra di chitarra classica presso il Conservatorio di Musica “Nino Rota” di Monopoli. E’ spesso invitata a tenere Masterclass in diversi centri musicali europei.
Selezione della critica
ADALISA CASTELLANETA (english biography)
Graduated with highest honours from the Conservatory “N. Piccinni” of Bari. Studied with Maestro Stefano Grondona at the “Accademia musicale pescarese” and with Maestro José Tomas in Spain and at the “Accademia spagnola delle belle arti” in Rome. She was a student of Oscar Ghiglia at the international “Accademia Chigiana” where she also took courses of contemporary instrumental music with Maestro Alain Meunier and conducting seminars with Juri Temirkanov.
Well-known festivals and music associations in which she has played include:
Orchestras with which she has also played as soloist include:
- Mannheim Chamber Orchestra;
- National Academy Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine;
- Bucharest National Radio Orchestra;
- Mainz Deutsche Kammervirtuosen;
- Hellas Soloists (conducted by Saulius Sondeckis);
- Solisti Aquilani;
- the Symphony Orchestra “Tito Schipa” (City of Lecce);
- the Symphony Orchestra of the National Philharmonic of Chisinau;
- the National Orchestra of the Opera Theatre of Stara Zagora (Bulgaria);
- St. Petersburg Radiotelevision Orchestra
She loves playing chamber music with both string quartets and other instrumental groups.
For RAI ( Italian public television and radio ) she has broadcast music by Bach and Villa Lobos.
First performances and recordings include works by Mauro, Emilia and Michele Giuliani, all of which were received with critical acclaims.
As a teacher of guitar in Monopoli ( BA ) she was one of the prize-winners in the national competition for instrumentalists teaching in Conservatoires of Music and is frequently invited to give international Masteclasses in Europe.
Inauguration concert of plucked instruments for “L’Arena di Verona - Festival”: “… a poetic guitar performance … her phrasing was at same time both noble and lyrical …By giving precise attention to her refined quality of sound an intonation, she succeeded overcoming technical demands to produce a meaningful interpretation …Castellaneta is a musical treasure”. ( Carlo Bologna. L’Arena ).
ll Tempo”, Roma: “Castellaneta has acquired a delicate sensibility that attracts one and makes one want to get closer to her to discover her lyrical secrets and further to share in the magic which pours out of this spirit and become defined in various ways on the tenuous upper strings of the guitar”. ( E. Cavallotti ).
“La Nuova Ferrara”: “Undoubtedly the charm of Ms. Castellaneta’s performance is unquestionable; she’s an artist who always strives forwards perfection...".
“La Libertà”, Piacenza: “Adalisa Castellaneta is an artist who, by means of a rigorous respect for the form of the music, unites an interpretation filtered through her grand sensibility ( which permits her to manifest each tiny musical nuance ) with the deepest intention of the composer, thus offering an interpretation of rare intensity”.
“La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno”, Bari: “…She has a fervent and distinct temperament, supported by an exceptional instrumental technique, and, above all, a vigorous, balanced sound, full of expressivity “. ( Nicola Sbisà ).
“Musica e dischi”: “…. Ms. Castellaneta’s performance is clear, convincing, intelligent in the choice of the music pieces, marvellous in its interpretation...